The Miles Space Family of Products
Poseidon M1.5 Thruster
Pulsed plasma thruster using water-vapor and a novel thrust mechanism.
Poseidon Drop Thruster
Pulsed plasma thruster using water-vapor and a novel thrust mechanism.
Phoenix Eye GhostHunter
Covert Detection and Tracking of Small Objects at Long Range
RF Digital Signal Enhancement in a standard Rack-Mount Server
Alternate Position and Navigation from celestial RF sources
SNR improvement through symbol-aware oversampling
Unique identification of radio emitters
Adaptive coherent combiner for received RF signals
Poseidon M1.5 Thruster
Pulsed plasma thruster using water-vapor and a novel thrust mechanism
Tested in space.
1U form factor
37.5 mN thrust
4,800 sec Isp
1.5W input power
Whitepaper available for all physics and detailed measurements.
Poseidon Drop Thruster
Pulsed plasma thruster using water-vapor and a novel thrust mechanism.
1/2U form factor
7.4 mN thrust
4,800 sec Isp
1.5W input power
Whitepaper available for all physics and detailed measurements
Phoenix Eye GhostHunter
Non-static, passive radar system. Measures absolute power levels of received signals buried in noise.
Detects Birds to Hypersonics.
Minimum Discernable Signal (MDS) better than -158 dBm
Potential range >500km
Minimum RCS better than -15 dB m^2
Increase Eb/N0 of I/Q modulated digital signals through symbol-aware oversampling
Eb/N0 improvement of +13.7 dB in LEO test, Government satellite
200-4,000 MHz tuning
Modulations: BPSK, QPSK, SO-QPSK, nPSK, QAM, DVB-S2, DSS
3U Rack Mount standard
Alternate Position and Navigation from celestial RF sources - sun, moon, planets, stars, uncooperative satellites.
GPS-Free Navigation: Operate in GPS denied or spoofed areas.
Hardware flexibility: From easy-to-carry portable antennas to more robust solutions like ESA and Luneburg lenses.
SNR improvement through symbol-aware oversampling in I/Q-based digital communication systems.
Core IP of the Phoenix Eye BoostBox, suitable for embedding into other radios.
Enables LPI/D, extended range, reduced transmit power, reduced antenna sizes.
Unique identification of radio emitters that share the same frequency and protocol.
Characterizes subtle variations in analog radio components into a unique fingerprint suitable for authentication or detection of hardware degredation.
Adaptive coherent combiner for received RF signals.
Removes carrier Grating Lobes.
Revolutionizes Electronically Scanned Antenna (ESA) receiver architecture.
The Miles Space Management Team
Wesley Faler, CTO
Serial technologist and entrepreneur
Senior software engineering roles in US and Europe
Award winning Chief Software Engineer for Lunar X-Prize
Invented PoseidonTM thruster
Created DSP AI algorithms
Founder of Team Miles (NASA Artemis)
Brad Berkson, CEO
Former US Department of Defense PA&E Director
Served in Bush and Obama Admins
Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness
Former McKinsey Partner
Director of Boeing Defense, Space & Security
Chair National Defense Business Institute
Harvard MBA
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